Solar Geyser

 Choosing a solar water heaterMinimize
Choosing a solar water heater is not a simple process. Although two households may have the same amount of dwellers, hot water usage can differ greatly.
The first step in choosing a solar water heater is choosing what kind of solar water heater would suit your needs. The most common types of solar water heaters include direct systems, indirect systems and evacuated tube systems.

Direct systems

Direct systems usually consist of one or more solar panels or evacuated tubes. Water is pumped into the solar panels, where it gets heated by the sun and stored in a geyser. Although these systems are reasonably effective, they tend to have a shorter life span. Chemicals in water erode the panels, pipes and geyser and parts need to be replaced fairly often. The water can also freeze in colder weather, resulting in cold water and damage to the system.

The map below illustrates which areas in South Africa are affected by frost from time to time. Direct systems wouldn't be suitable in these areas.


Indirect systems

Indirect systems also consist of one or more solar panels or evacuated tubes. Instead of pumping water into the panels directly as one would with a direct system, an anti-freeze substance circulates through the panels.
Once the liquid inside the panels is hot, it flows to the geyser. The liquid then either circulates into a sleeve that is fitted over the geyser or into copper pipes inside the geyser, heating the water. The copper pipes are a less effective way of heating the water because only a small volume of water comes into contact with the pipes at any given time. The pipes also allow less room for water, meaning a 300-litre tank will have less than 300 litres of water due to the presence of the pipes.
Indirect systems have a longer life span, because the anti-freeze is non-corrosive. It also retains heat longer and can’t freeze, even in the coldest conditions.

Direct or indirect systems with evacuated tubes

Although evacuated tubes can heat water up to boiling point, the excessively hot water can create too much pressure in the geyser, resulting in damage. Evacuated tubes are also susceptible to hail damage.

When choosing a product, look out for the following:

  • SABS mark of approval
  • Keymark certification
  • Eskom accreditation
  • Warranty
  • SESSA membership

Heat retention

Heating water is only one of the tasks of a solar water heater. Retaining the heat generated through sunlight is another important factor, not only at night, but also in spells of bad weather.
Solahart systems have a double ceramic lining that insulates the heat. A Solahart solar geyser will only lose 5°C a night when the outside temperature is 0°C.


With over 25 years' experience in the solar water heating industry in Southern Africa, Solahart has become the obvious choice in solar water heaters for many households.
Solahart was the first distributor of solar water heaters in the country to be awarded the SABS mark of approval. Our solar water heaters are subsidised by Eskom, meaning that our clients get up to R4 917 cash back when they purchase our solar water heaters.
By installing a Solahart solar water heater, our clients are not only assured of hot water no matter what Eskom gets up to, they also do their part for the environment.
Using solar energy means you can reduce your water heating costs by between 50% and 90%, depending on the unit, the installation and where you live. That means you'll use up to 90% less electricity when on heating water when you install a Solahart solar water heater.


Households can benefit from either a 180-litre Solahart solar water heater or a 300-litre system. The size of the Solahart solar geyser is determined by various factors, including the amount of people in a household.
In keeping with the highest international standards, all Solahart dealers and installers have received formal training, ensuring only the best installations and after-sales service.

Click here to view our range of Solahart solar water heaters.




Geyser Timer

Geyser timer

Geyser timer

This simple device does exactly what it says. It controls the time that your geyser comes on and switches off. With the geyser permanently on, everytime the water temperature in the geyser falls below the set temp, it will switch on to return the temperature back to where it needs to be.
This can account for unnecessary consumption. The compact geyser timer is designed to work to reduce the on time of the geyser through the day and only have it come on when required.
So , first thing in the morning if hot water is required and then at night for showers and baths. Once everyone is done, the timer can be set to switch the geyser off and only back on again the next morning, so it doesn’t run all night.
                                                       Click here for some facts and the effect of a geyser timer.

Why use a Geyser timer at all?

Let’s look at some stats
The geyser accounts for around 60% of your electricity bill.
  • Every time the temperature drops 2 to 3 degrees, the thermostat switches the element back on and heats the water back up to 65 – 70 degrees.
  • Your geyser switches on and off 24 to 30 times a day.
  • Every time your geyser switches on, it uses the equivalent power of 50 light bulbs.
  • The average family uses less than four hours of hot water per day and is paying for 600 hours of hot water per month that they will never use. As you can see from the above statement, the geyser is a large consumer of electricity.
  • Having a geyser timer will drastically reduce the number of times your geyser switches on and off in a day and thereby save you money every month.
  • As it is easy to install and set up, the geyser timer provides another link in the chain to effective energy management and therefore cost reduction.
  • Once set up and the on/off cycle is established, you can leave it to do its work.
  Testimonial for Saving Energy’s  Geyser Timer Installation :
What a pleasure dealing with Craig & and his team. I sent my enquiry on Sunday night; Monday morning before 7 I had a quotation and the booking was promptly made and kept! The technicians were fast and efficient and I would recommend their product and service to any party interested.
Christel Obery

Geyser Blanket-  Simple and Effective.

Geyser Blanket
This is a geyser blanket, looks cosy doesn’t it? Well, it is for your geyser. By insulating the geyser against normal heat loss through the steel casing, the geyser blanket keeps your hot water hot for longer – meaning your geyser won’t come on as often , thereby saving you energy and money.
Because hot water electricity use comprises around 40% of a typical households consumption, it is important to reduce heat losses in this area. Often geyser water temperature will drop by 1 degree C per hour, so constant energy is needed to maintain the temperature. This blanket can cut this energy use by half. It is not fiberglass, so is easily installed without mess. Thus the geyser blanket ensures a substantial saving both financially and environmentally for each household.
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The Geyser Blanket – Another step in your saving energy strategy.

Installing the geyser blanket properly is the key to achieving the true potential that this product offers. Ensuring it is wrapped properly and secured is critical and if you are a handyman adept, this should not be a problem. It is also recommended that you insulate the hot water pipes as well to increase the energy saving and reduce heat loss through the hot water pipe system.
By effective insulation, the geyser blanket ‘wraps’ your geyser in a thermal insulated cover and , like you in winter with your blankets wrapped around to keep warm , the geyser blanket does the same.

The Geyser Blanket – What’s it made of?

A Geyser blanket is made of various insulation materials, the most common being  fiberglass. Virgin fiber wool, and two-ply polyester and bonded polypropylene  have also been manufactured and used. Geyser blankets can come in 50 or 75  mm thicknesses, on up to 100 to 150 mm thick, for larger units.  A reflective aluminum foil encases the insulation layers; its design causes  radiant heat to be reflected back and contained within the geyser unit.
You could also use other energy efficient products like solar geysers or solar water heaters to increase your savings even more.

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